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An easier list of links to follow my various sites online, but be careful where you step, you just might fall in!

Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole... 

Black Hole #6. I Believe in Change.Org Activism.

I'm very politically active as you might deduce from my various posts, and no excuse is justifiable for not signing a 5 second petition online, as the very least one can do about any cause one believes in, whatever it may be. To see some of mine, and act on a few of your own, follow me to CHANGE.

But Seriously....

Black Hole #1. Original Cornucopia Tumblr.

Mostly SFW, though not always, there may be some sensuality but nothing too explicit on this one. A genuine mash of everything I find online to share from humor to art, music to gothica, and everything in between. If you need MORE content, this is the place to truly get lost.

Black Hole #2. My NSFW Tumble, Feed My Libido.

A place for women originally, but suitable for couples and men as well, both genders (and a few hermaphrodites added for spice on rare occasion) feature regularly, but especially look for sexy long haired men for we ladies to FEED our libidos on. Welcome your submission(s) as well! Beware, prudish trolls unwelcome :-P

Black Hole #3. Where I Spend My Days...

Nearly all my online time, when not updating other profiles and creating content elsewhere, and all my interactions, are at Google Plus. Better than FB in every way, no ads, no bullshit, free and linked in to everything from search to youtube, come see for yourself.

Black Hole #4. Use It or Lose It Photography Blog.

Relearning my DSLR camera, starting from square one, experimenting in everything from Depth of Field to Double Exposures, along with 101 Fun Things To Do With Your Digital Camera once the basics are covered. A professional photographer at one time, who let dust build up on my cameras for 10 years, this blog is about using it, or giving it up for good.

Black Hole #7. I've Always Wanted to be a Pirate.

The photo and above links go to Pirate Party International, the US Pirate Party is at

Enough said, follow the link to learn more...

Black Hole #5. Music is My Life...Mixcloud.

I've been learning to mix music, and especially love remix mashing, my newer CD length mixes are much better than the older ones, but you can check them all out here. Most have free download links too. Ever since Soundcloud made a 2-hour limit I had to find new ways to distribute music, but Mixcloud has been with me from the start.

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